Text Drama!
This day is the worst day to Faizal, the boy who have broken heart because his targeted girl was reject him yesterday. Today, in the class he didn’t have spirit. He seemed very down. No one can attract his attention. And he can’t concentrated with the lesson today,,, The lesson was stop because of the rest time come.. the bell rang….. teeeeeeeeettttt,,,,,,,
Faizal : *Sign…..* I don’t believe it!
Why I have get rejected from her….. What The Hell! I can’t stand it!
Ilham : Hmm……. What’s up boy..? what’s the matter? You look feeling blue?
Faizal : Ooh Ilham… let I tell you my problem.. you know,.. I was broken heart right now
I get rejected by her, the girl who became my target which I tell you two days
Ilham : Cihh!!... of course she reject you. I’m not shocked, friend… why? Because you’re
so sullen, You never change your style since 1st grade. Who liked some oldy and
nerd face like you?
Faizal : Are you mean that I’m not good for hr because all of my style?
Ilham : Exactly… that’s perfectly right….. look at you!…your hair, your face, your style…
soo.... Uncoool… maybe you look rather well if you make over yourself…well just
a bit..
Faizal : Stop to talk with your provoke mouth!!
Faizal started to angry. He feel anger now. Suddenly Bukin come from beside class, he is Faizal and Ilham classmate in last year, he come to make condition be normal again.
Bukin : What’s up boy?….that’s so noisy…your voice is very annoying and deafening for
my ears..
Ilham : Your friends got rejected from his ‘lovely’ girl bro… so I give him a little
advice.. Isn’t me still not good? he should say thanks to me for all of my advice,
but in fact he angry to me…
Then Muhajar come from back classroom to in front of the classroom….
Muhajar: In my opinion… our way is wrong, my pal…. Is that anykind of advice? I think
you just mocking him within twelve minutes than give some valuable advice?
Ilham : Did you know it?
Muhajar: Yes I know it… I’ve got ear so I can hear it from the door… what a pity on you,
Ilham : What a eavesdropper on you Muhajar!!
Bukin : Is that true, my pal??
Ilham : But.. I……
Muhajar:Yes I know you want to cheering up faizal, but the way which you doing was
Bukin : By the way, faizal, what is your problem? You never tell me about your problem.
Share with us…. Maybe we can discuss it together and found the way to solve
your problem… Don’t be a covered personal… we are your friends!!
Faizal : I’m sorry friends.. ok I’ll tell it… the subject matter is I was rejected by ‘her’..
the girl who be my target in long time ago.
Bukin : Ooowh.. I see… so now you’ve got broken heart?
Faizal : Hell yeahh…
Muhajar:Why don’t you just try to forget her?? I think that’s an easier way… it’s easy
Faizal : But……
Bukin : Just right! In my opinion you must strong and live more freely like an usual
day. Broken heart is sad experienced. But it can’t helped you if you think it
continuously. Many girl in the world who more better than her. So get your
spirit again. Ok??
Faizal : Uummmhh… I think your statement is exactly right bukin…. Why I’m so in
depressed right now?? My study is more better than just think about my
broken heart..
Muhajar:Yeaah.. that’s the gentleman!
Ok, Let’s go to the canteen because rest time is up!! Hurry up buddy!!
All : Ok…….. lets get it down…
Then they went to the canteen. In the way they continuing their conversation….
Ilham : Ehhmm, zal.. I’m sorry for back then..
Faizal : Ok…no problem broo…. *Shake hand*
Muhajar:Nah.. it’s okay… but you must treat us with a bowl of bakso..ookk bro?
Faizal : Or maybe fried rice?.
Bukin : Better Soto?
Ilham : Nope…. I don’t want to..
All : *Laugh together* Hahahahahahahha
Group member names:
Faizal Satya P. (16)
Ilham Eka F. (22)
Masbukin N. M. (24)
Muhadjar E. (26)
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